BIIF Bowling Procedures 2024-2025

Section I - General Rules
A. Start Date
a. Will be according to the HHSAA Start Date Calendar.
B. Scheduled Coaches Meetings
a. Attendance at below meetings are mandatory.
i. Preseason - prior to the start of the first regular season matches
ii. Post Season - prior to the start of the BIIF Team & Individual Championships
b. Meeting time to be determined by the League Official conducting the meeting.
C. Scheduling of Games:
a. All boys & girls matches will be primarily bowled on Saturday’s at KBXtreme in Kailua, Kona.
b. Wednesday matches may be scheduled on a `needs basis’, based on venue availability..
D. Divisions
a. Varsity
i. Both a boys & girls Varsity division.
b. Junior Varsity
i. Girls division only, as JV Bowling is a Title IX sport program.
ii. Girls JV season will take place if:
1. There are school teams interested in participating.
2. The bowling venue is available on the requested/scheduled dates.
E. Team Roster
a. A team may have any number of bowlers on their eligibility list, but only seven (7) bowlers are
eligible to participate in any given game.
F. Eligibility
a. Regular Season, Team Championships & Individual Championships
i. BIIF By-Law, Article XI, Section 11.1 to 11.3
G. Warm Up & Start Times
a. Weekend Morning Matches
i. Warm Ups will begin at 9:00am
ii. Matches will begin at 9:15am
b. Weekend Afternoon Matches
i. Warm Ups will begin 30 minutes after the last morning bowler finishes, or 12:45pm
[whichever comes first].
ii. Matches will begin at 1:00pm
c. Weekday Matches
i. Warm Ups will begin at 1:45pm
ii. Matches will begin at 2:00pm
d. General Warm Up Procedures
i. Warm ups will be 15 minutes in length
ii. During the warm up period, the matched pair of teams will switch lanes at least once.
iii. Practicing on any other pair of lanes is not permitted during the course of the match.
H. League Format
a. Teams will play a two (2) round schedule.
b. A match will consist of three (3) games.
i. All three (3) games are counted in the match score.
c. Team standings will be determined after the regular season.
i. The team with the best record will be the BIIF Champion.

Section II - Game Rules
A. Scoring
a. Dummy Scores
i. There will be no dummy scores used for league matches.
ii. No handicap is used to determine scoring.
iii. All scores are on a “scratch” basis. Game Points
iv. Each game will count as a win, loss, or tie.
v. A team will get one (1) point for winning a game, half point (.5) for a tie & zero (0)
points for a loss.
b. Legal names of players will be used to ensure proper posting of scores for averages.
c. The team listed as the home team on the schedule will be responsible for keeping score during
the match.
d. Foul Procedures
i. A foul occurs when a part of the player’s body encroaches on or goes beyond, the foul
line and touches any part of the lane, equipment, or building during or after the delivery.
ii. A player who commits a foul should stay where they are at, raise their hand, and notify
their team captain. Both coaches are to verify if a foul occurred.
iii. A ball is in play after a delivery until the same or another player is on the approach and in
position to make a succeeding delivery.
iv. When a foul is recorded, the delivery counts, but the resulting pinfall does not. (see
USBC, Rule 6b)
v. The fold (or foul) line is of infinite length including walls, flooring, posts, and ball
1. A foul is not committed when a foreign object, such as pens, jewelry, coins, etc.,
drops from a bowler’s pocket or falls from a person’s body or clothing.
2. Footwear and clothing are considered part of the body.
3. A player should request permission to cross the foul line to retrieve an item that
has fallen beyond the foul line.
vi. Deliberate
1. When a player deliberately fouls to benefit by the calling of a foul, the player
shall be credited with zero pinfall for that delivery and not allowed further
deliveries in that frame.
a. USBC, Rule 10 Provisional Ball
B. Substitutions
a. Substitutions may enter a game at any given time.
i. The Coach is responsible for informing the opposing coach when substituting a player.
b. There shall be a limit of two (2) substitutes per game.
c. 5th frame
i. When a substitution occurs AFTER the 5th frame, the pinfall for that game will be
counted towards the starting bowlers average.
ii. When a substitution occurs BEFORE the 5th frame, the pinfall for that game will not be
counted towards either individual’s averages.
iii. In either case, the pinfall for that game will be counted towards the respective teams total
d. Coaches are responsible for circling the name of the bowler and frame in which the substitution
occurred on the score sheet.
e. A substituted bowler cannot re-enter the same game, but can either start, or substitute, back in
another game within the match.
C. Submitting Scores
a. All bowlers are responsible for making sure that their proper scores are recorded on the recap
i. Names (last, first) & Scores on the recap sheet must be legible.
b. For individual scores, the bowler must initial each score per game.
c. Each BIIF Recap sheet must be scored by the ‘Home’ Coach, and attested by the ‘Visiting’
Coach prior to submission.
d. Head Coaches must turn in all BIIF Recap Sheets to the Sport Coordinator or League Designee
at the completion of each scheduled match.
D. Protests/Disputes
a. All protests/disputes will be brought to the attention of the Sport Coordinator, or League
b. The Coach(es) affected and the Sport Coordinator or League Designee, will make every effort to
settle the protest or dispute immediately.

Section III - Determining Champions, Awards & State Representation
A. Tournament Site
a. KBXtreme
B. Team Championships
a. BIIF Champion will be the team with the best win/loss record after the completion of the regular
b. If there is a tie, the BIIF Championship Team will be determined by:
i. A one (1) game sudden death roll off between the two teams involved in the tie.
ii. Total team pinfall will be used to determine the winning team.
C. Individual Championships
a. Qualification Requirements
i. Each participant must have bowled in no less than 50% of his/her team's games during
the regular season plus team play off.
1. Must be COMPLETE Games
2. A player who has been substituted before the 6th frame will not be counted as a
b. Format
i. Each player will bowl a total of six (6) games
ii. The bowler with the highest six (6) game series (based on pinfall) will be declared the
BIIF Champion.
iii. If there is a TIE for the Individual Champion, the bowlers involved will bowl a single
game roll off to break the tie.
1. The roll off will take place immediately after all matches have been completed (if
time permits)
2. If time does not permit, on the next available date for the bowling center.
iv. If after the single game Tie Breaker the tie is not broken, the bowlers will bowl an 11th
frame, sudden death bowl off.
1. The 11th frame will be a repeat of the 10th frame. Bowlers will start with a score
of zero (0)
2. The single game play off will not count toward either individual's average for the
c. BIIF Individual Champion
i. Will receive an automatic berth for state representation.
d. BIIF Individual Championship Scores will not be used to determine averages for state
D. Awards
a. Team Champions
i. Medals will be awarded to the Championship team [8 players/1 coach/1 manager].
b. Individual Champion(s)
i. Medals will be awarded to the first five (5) places
c. All BIIF Recognition
i. All BIIF teams will be determined by Overall Season Averages.
1. Regular Season Games + BIIF Individual Championship Score = Overall Season
1. Top five (5) averages = 1st Team
2. Next five (5) averages = 2nd Team
iii. Each Head Coach can nominate up to two (2) additional players for Honorable Mention
d. Coach of the Year
i. Will be awarded to the coach of the winning Team Championship school (boys & girls)
e. Player of the Year
i. One of each gender
ii. Formula: Regular Season ranking + Individual Championships Ranking
1. Lowest Score determines the Player of the Year.
E. HHSAA Representation
a. The BIIF Individual Champion (one boy, one girl) will automatically qualify.
b. BOYS: Five (5) bowlers from the 1st place Team Champion with the best averages during the
BIIF Regular Season will qualify for the HHSAA Tournament.
c. GIRLS: Five (5) bowlers from the 1st place Team Champion with the best averages during the
BIIF Regular Season will qualify for the HHSAA Tournament.
d. The remaining HHSAA berths will go to the league bowlers with the best averages during the
BIIF Regular Season.
e. In case of a final season score tie between two or more bowlers, league officials will refer to the
next decimal point of a players average to determine final placements.

Section IV - Extras
A. Code of Conduct
a. All BIIF & School policies must be adhered to while participating as a student-athlete, coach or
b. Coaches shall take responsibility in controlling their teams overall behaviors and conduct.
c. Excessive cheering and yelling should be monitored and modified by Coaches
d. Good sportsmanship and courtesy should take precedence above all else.
e. As per HHSAA Rules/Regulations, all electronic devices will be banned from the pit (player
areas) during BIIF play.
i. Students who violate this rule will be penalized; first with a verbal warning, second with
a disqualification.
ii. Violations of this rule will be issued by League Officials
B. Coaching
a. A Coach must be present at the bowling site before a team can begin to bowl, unless the schools
Athletic Director has communicated an alternative school official for the day.
b. Failure to comply with this rule will mean a forfeiture of frames, games or matches until the time
when a Coach or School Official arrives at the site.
c. Coaches are not allowed in the bowling sitting area.
d. Coaches are permitted to sit immediately behind the player’s bench.
i. However, they shall not be permitted to delay the bowlers while they are on their
e. Coaches are responsible for keeping their bowlers from delaying play.
i. Bowlers are to allow only one lane courtesy, there should be no two lane courtesy.
C. Tardy Teams
a. Coaches are responsible for notifying their school’s Athletic Director and the Sport Coordinator
of any delay.
b. A grace period of 30 mins will be given to a team without penalty for a delay of unforeseen
c. A team without a legitimate explanation may enter a game, but must bowl from the game being
i. Provided that the anchor of the opposing team has not finished bowling that particular
d. A team with a legitimate explanation will still be able to bowl a full game, but will enter at the
frame being bowled.
i. The frames missed will be made up prior to the start of the next game.
D. Uniforms
a. All teams will be required to wear a shirt of identical logo, color and patterns.
b. Boys & Girls are to wear long pants
i. Pants are to have hemlines at the ankles.
ii. Shorts and capri’s are not allowed for either boys or girls.
E. Seating
a. Only team members and coaches are permitted in the seating area adjacent to the immediate
bowling area
b. Spectators must sit behind, or on the side, of a designated team area.
The Bowling Rules as established by the United States Bowling Congress (USBC), except as modified herein,
shall prevail.